On May 31, we will try an experiment with worshipping outdoors in the grove and see how it goes. From there we will decide if we will do that every week, or once a month, or go back to only worshiping online. This is a time where we especially appreciate your flexibility and your willingness to adapt.
Our foremost priority is the safety of our congregation, so please take care of yourself! If you aren’t comfortable attending a public gathering, please watch worship online.
The church’s YouTube channel is here.
The church’s Facebook page is here
May 31, Pentecost, at the usual time of 9:30, we will worship outside in the grove on the north side of the parking lot, using the portable sound system. We will continue to stream the service for anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable attending in person. (If we have technical issues with streaming, we will have a recording up on YouTube and Facebook as soon as possible.)
If it rains, all of these plans go on hold and we will only live stream the service. Please check the church website that morning if the weather looks inclement.
Here’s a few ways worship and congregational life will be different from past practices:
- No person-to-person contact. We will not be Passing the Peace, distributing communion (we will still be having communion—see below), or passing offering plates during the service. There will be a way to drop off your offering if you have it as you enter the grove (thank you to everyone who has been giving online and mailing in checks!).
- No bulletins. As another way to minimize contact between individuals, we will not be passing out bulletins. Please print yours at home or bring it up on your phone or a tablet. You’ll also be able to worship fine without one. There will be a few spoken prayers, but not as much liturgy as our in sanctuary services.
- No congregational singing. Evidence is mounting that singing expels far more microscopic, potentially-virus-containing droplets than merely talking, so we are going to play it safe because we love all of you and care about safety. There will be music in the service, including special music and a prelude and postlude on piano, but we won’t be singing together as a congregation. This will likely hold true until there is a vaccine.
- The building will be open only for emergency bathroom use. The nursery staff will not be working, and children are welcome in the grove for our shorter service.
- No coffee hour or congregational potlucks. Until we have a vaccine, shared meals won’t be able to occur.
Here’s what we are asking from everyone who comes to worship:
- Don’t attend if you’ve recently been in large crowds, if you’re sick, if you think you might be sick, or if you have been around anyone who is sick.
- Wear a mask. This is more than a suggestion. We expect everyone who is at worship to wear a mask and if you don’t yet have one, please contact the office and we’ll get one for you.
- Maintain at least 6 feet of distance. Or more. We’ll have lots of room to spread out. And yes, as challenging as it will be, we will need to refrain from those three golden Hs: Hugs, High fives, and Handshakes.
- Bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket. Again, to reduce contact, everyone should bring their own seating. If you need help with this, let Pastor Marci know and we’ll figure something out.
- Bring some food for communion. We can’t pass out little pieces of bread, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have communion. We’re going back to the early church days and sharing a meal together at the end of the service. So bring what feels right to you—a small morsel or a full meal. It can be a can of Diet Coke and a banana muffin. Or a bottle of water and a ham sandwich. Remember alcohol is not allowed on church property, so please leave the sacramental wine at home.
- Wear Red. It is Pentecost, the birthday of the church and we will be collecting the Pentecost Offering, which goes to support national children’s and youth ministry, including the Presbyterian Youth Triennium. If you’re worshiping at home that day, also wear red and put photos on social media with a #SPCBoise hashtag so we can see your outfits.
- Baptism. We will be baptizing baby Claire that day, so that will be a fun celebration.
- Congregational Meeting. At the conclusion of the service, we will have a congregational meeting to elect Bruce M. to serve as Elder. We will also get an update about the construction project. It will be a brief meeting.