“Why on earth would someone suggest that we take on one more thing during Advent? Don’t they know this is one of the busiest seasons of the church and secular year?” Well, perhaps that’s the perfect time for prayer!
Worried about the state of the world, the nation, our city, your life, or your family? Huge and minor concerns racing through your brain? Sometimes we feel helpless – writing to a congressperson or local legislator seems to get just a
form letter response. We wonder: “who will hear our voices as more than whining? What difference can one person make? What can we do alone to affect the Ukraine Invasion, women needing access to reproductive care, hungry children here and in Africa, homelessness, and on and on? What if one feels they don’t have the energy or the financial
resources to make a “big” difference? What’s left to do?” PRAY!
During the season of Advent – a time of waiting and expectant hope – our sanctuary will be open for silent prayer on Wednesday afternoons from 1:00-1:30pm. This will be an unstructured, self-guided time of silent meditation. You can
pray using your own list, items from a prepared list or following spontaneous thought of the moment.