As the school year winds down at Grace Jordan Elementary School we are reminded that summer is particularly difficult for families who rely on school for meal insecurity assistance. We hope to collect all kinds of nonperishable food items, household items, and personal care items to distribute to families until the last day of school on May 23. We also plan to collect funds to purchase Walmart gift cards as a supplement for families who face three long months of summer.
The Peace, Justice and Outreach Committee has decided to attempt to continue our mission with Grace Jordan Food Pantry through the summer while school is out. So we are asking folks to continue to donate nonperishable food items, household items and personal care items. We will be packaging them in bags so that when those families come to the church they will just pick up a bag or two. Alternatively you can donate money by writing Grace Jordan Food Pantry on the memo line of a check donation. These items will be available to families on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 10 am-3 pm and Saturdays from 10 am-Noon during the months of June and July. We will need one volunteer to be at the church to greet potential families on Saturdays from 10 am-Noon. There is a sign up sheet in back of the church or contact Ann Agnew if you have questions or comments. Please help us to continue this most wonderful ministry to our community.