We have had wonderful speakers/presenters for our first of the month’s Wednesday Gatherings. In May we had one of our own members, Marilyn Fredericks, who presented her beautiful talent of painting. If you have suggestions for next year’s programs let a CT member know or come to the program planning session in June.
Twelve ladies from Southminster attended the PWS Spring Gathering in Parma. The program was excellent.
Sue W. has been talking to schools who say that about 490 backpacks will be needed for schools next year. Stay tuned for when to help.
We will have a nice representation of Southminster women at the World Wide Gathering in Louisville this summer. Attending are Alix P., Dana D. Jackie B., Julie E., Priscilla O., and Rae B. Also Rev. Marianne Paul will be attending.
In June the new officers will be installed at Gathering by Rev. TJ Remaley. Please join us, a great group of ladies, on June 5th, for the Gathering of worshiping women and women who like to eat lunch together.
Helen Winkle