The joke is true: Presbyterians love committees! (Did you know we even have a committee to plan committees?!). This is one of many ways we live into our belief in what theologians call the “Priesthood of All Believers.” Ministry is not the work of any one person, but is something to which each of us is called!
Want to join the chancel choir? Do you like maintaining flower beds? Interested in being a part of the media team? Would you enjoy planning a fellowship event or a summer study? Do you have gifts in financial stewardship? Whatever your spiritual gifts and interests, there is a place for you to become involved. Contact Pastor TJ for more information.
Session Committees
Our congregation’s Session is comprised of four primary committees, some of which have active subcommittees. A brief overview of the committees is found here:
- Connections Committee: Love entertaining? Interested in forming relationships in our congregation? Want to help people to stay connected/informed? This committee provides opportunities for our congregation to grow in relationship with one another. Among other things, the team provides fellowship gatherings, church meals, coffee hour, small groups, and visitor outreach.
- Peace, Justice, & Outreach Committee: If you wish to serve God in the world alongside other members of Southminster, devote some time here. The PJO Committee is the missional hands, feet, and voice of our congregation, and is involved with Boise Pride Festival, the Grace Jordan Food Pantry, various supply drives, and civic engagement during the Idaho legislative season.
- Administrative Committee: Are you good with numbers, or want to help discern how Southminster spends its resources and cares for its staff? Are you handy, or do you enjoy yard work? Consider volunteering around our campus! This committee is primarily comprised of three active subcommittees: (1) stewardship & finance; (2) personnel; and (3) building & grounds.
- Spiritual Formation Committee: Would you like to contribute to our congregational worship? Do you enjoy nurturing the faith of children? Do you have a passion for leading (or participating in) adult studies? There are lots of ways to inspire and nurture the faith of all ages here. This committee is responsible for all things worship and education.