I hope that everyone had a pleasant summer and was able to beat the heat and smoke.
We have a variety of events coming up in September. On Sunday, September 1, we will have some representatives from the Churchwide Presbyterian Women’s Conference (held last month in St Louis) speak on their experiences. We will also be commissioning our PWS Coordinating Team officers.
Our first gathering of the year will be September 4 at 11am. Please join us for lunch and a program by Jackie Benjamin introducing this year’s bible study, “Let Justice Roll Down: God’s call to care for neighbors and all creation.” You do not need to be a member of a circle to attend. This is for all women of our Southminster congregation. We look forward to meeting you. Check the pew racks for further information.
The PW of the Presbytery of Boise’s Fall Gathering will be held on September 28. I hope to have a good number of our PWS members at- tend and represent Southminster.
Stay tuned for information about our annual Fall Bazaar in October. Think of us when cleaning out your closets and garages. We will need gently used items, jewelry, baked goods, etc. The dates and times will be announced soon.
Mary Poston Moderator